For coronavirus (Covid-19) information, please see our travel updates
Your health and safety are of paramount importance during your tour with Crossroad tours and travel LTD.
The nature of our tours means we often take you off the beaten track to areas that are remote or underdeveloped, and we may include activities that contain an element of risk.
Our aim is, therefore, to assess potential risks, devise measures to control them, and have in place procedures to deal with any incident or emergency.
Our health and safety policies and procedures are designed and monitored in reference to various international standards, advice, and codes of conduct such as;
● British Standard 8848;
Specification for the provision of visits, fieldwork, expeditions, and adventurous activities outside the United Kingdom
● The UK Government’s Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO)
● Uganda Wildlife Authority
● The European Package Travel Regulations 2018
●The Uganda Tourism Act, 2008 and The Uganda Tourism (Tour Package) Regulations, 2014
We will obtain all the necessary permits and permissions to undertake the activities included in your tour.
All Crossroad tours are escorted by a professional tour guide who drives you throughout your holiday and shares with you their knowledge of locations, nature and culture. Specialist guides are available including bird guides and foreign language speakers. Certain activities may also involve site guides or Uganda Wildlife Authority Park Rangers.
There is a lot of information available on this website to help you prepare for your trip. For example, information on Ugandan laws and customs, services and maps.
You will receive emergency contact details before you travel to leave with family and friends. We will also ask for your emergency contacts, just in case.
All clients must be covered by comprehensive travel insurance, which should cover cancellation, loss or damage to luggage and personal items and international medical evacuation. We also now recommend including Covid-19 cover in your insurance.
Crossroads will require details of your insurance before departure.
Crossroads has a 24/7 Duty Officer in Kampala, Uganda.
For your peace of mind, you may wish to know that Uganda has international-standard medical facilities in Kampala.
We recommend that all British travellers register with the Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office to receive travel alerts. Travellers of other nationalities should check what services are available to them through their own governments and organisations.
We carefully monitor the security situation in Uganda and surrounding countries using our own local network of contacts including Uganda Wildlife Authority, Association of Uganda Tour Operators (AUTO) and Uganda Tourism Board, social media channels and following advice from organisations such as the UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, UNHCR, British High Commission in Uganda, CDC and others.